Tuesday, March 31, 2009

quote of the day

(Getting dressed in the locker room after swimming. I put on my canvas and rubber sneakers from Target.)

ELIAN: Mama, are those pretty shoes?

MAMA: Um, I don't know, what do you think?


(Starting to re-evaluate the feelings I had those times when he said, "Mama, you look pretty.")

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

quote of the day

(After viewing some of the layouts Papa had been working on at home.)

"Papa, you're going to turn into a Hormel!"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

joke of the day

ELIAN: Why did the man kiss the cans?

PAPA: I don't know. Why did the man kiss the cans?

ELIAN: Because he wanted to get some mans. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ah, nothing beats four year-old humor. Just be thankful it wasn't a poop joke.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

quote of the day

"What if I had like 300 pee pees. One coming out of my belly-button...one coming out of my side..."

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Friday, March 06, 2009

a story as relayed by ed

A few weeks or months ago (I can't be trusted to keep track of time frames), Elian asked Ed how the steering wheel worked to steer the car. Ed explained it in most basic terms but when Elian asked how it attached to the wheels, Ed fell short of an explanation and said, "I'm really not quite sure how it's attached."

Fast forward to today. Elian goes to the bathroom and neglects to wash his hands afterwards. Ed says, "Hey Buddy, can you wash your hands?" And Elian asks, "How did you know I didn't wash my hands?" And Ed replies, "I know EVERYTHING..."

And Senior Smartypants says, "No, you don't. You don't know how the steering wheel works."

quote of the day

ELIAN: (Looking at our dinner plates, then looking at his.) Mama, why didn't you give me any salad?

MAMA: Because you have vegetables and when I give you salad, you don't eat very much of it.

ELIAN: Okay, that makes sense!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

what will puppy bring?

Whenever we return to the house after being gone, Norman will always bring us one of his toys when he meets us at the door. He has a pretty extensive toy collection that we keep in a basket on the floor. He'll come to the door, tail wagging, then race back to his toy box digging just for the perfect toy and bring it back to us all in a matter of seconds.

Even before Elian was born, Ed and I played a game called, "What Will Puppy Bring?" On our way home, we would each make a prediction about what toy Norman would bring to us when we got home. Some of the choices include: zebra tail, green bone, fuzzy man, barbell tennis ball, squirrel, and black and blue bone and blue santa dog just to name a few.

When Elian entered the picture, the game got a little more elaborate. Now we play it opera style. And not only do you have to guess what puppy is going to bring it, but you have to make your proclamation at the top of your lungs, opera style in the car. And don't even think of interrupting Elian when he's holding a note. Some of Papa's performances build to the crescendo as we make our way out the garage door and I'm sure the neighbors question the bellowing operatic voice singing, "BLACK AND BLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEE BONE!"

Elian is very amused by Papa's operatic stylings and has gotten quite good at them himself, using arm and hand movements to add drama to his voice. The other day we were shopping at Super Target and I forget what Elian wanted to look at, buy or comment about, but he did so singing it at the top of his lungs in opera style. If you ever want to get noticed in Super Target, try pushing a four-year-old singing opera around in a shopping cart.

Monday, March 02, 2009

profitable walks

In the past year or so, I have made almost $100 walking Norman.

On one occasion a while back, I found three $20 bills rolled up in the street. Another time, a single $20. And on two separate occasions, a single dollar. Then just the other day, Elian and I took Norman for a walk. We stopped at the playground so Elian could climb around a bit. We were getting ready to leave when he said, "Look, Mama" and pointed at some bills spread out in the snow. One five and three singles.

Usually when I come across free money like this, I throw it into Elian's college fund (aka: the giant glass jar we collect our change in). But since this find was his, I told him he could do whatever he wanted with it. He goes back and forth with wanting to save it and wanting to spend it on another HABA marble run piece. I had to break it to him that he would have to save a bit more before he could buy one HABA marble run piece since they start at about $20 each.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen that $8 since I put it on his pool table.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

just keep swimming, swimming, swimming

This weekend Ed's sister Laura came into town with her boys. There was a visit to the science museum, car racing, swimming and a lot of boyish shenanigans. To say that Elian had fun would be a great understatement. I think the reality of their departure hasn't quite sunk in as there have been no tears yet. I'd include a shot of all of the boys together, but apparently I'm unable to take a photo that isn't horrifically blurry and my photographically gifted husband is no help whatsoever.

testing 1,2,3

I'm proud to say the little man has passed his pre-kindergarten screening with flying colors. And as he emerged from the room with the tester, the tester approached me and said, "He wanted me to tell you that he is very smart."