Tuesday, June 26, 2007

harvest day

A while back Elian planted a bean seed in the class we took together. The transplant from the styrofoam cup was a success and the little bean plant continued to thrive.

Yesterday I noticed there was a huge bean growing on it. Elian was so excited I thought he was going to pee his pants. And there's a good chance that he did. He insisted that he eat his bean RIGHT NOW. So I got some water boiling because that's what you do when you don't have a microwave. And we cooked that bean to the most perfect green crunchiness.

When he tasted it, you would've thought he was eating some sort of delectable chocolatey ice cream treat or something. Mmmmmmm! So I'm thinking when/if his enthusiasm (or tolerance) for vegetables dwindles, we may have to build a green house.

And fill it with little styrofoam cups.

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