Thursday, January 31, 2008

birthday 3 highlights

• Bowling with the cousins. Bumpers for the kids, gutters and beer for the adults. The husband was high scorer -- talk about a turn on. (Pictures soon -- hopefully.)
• Apparently it was the year of the puzzle. The boy received five of them for his birthday. That's a-okay with me. I love me some puzzles. Did I ever tell you about the time when Ed and I were up north and I did the complete blue sky (minus clouds) with about 10 gazillion pieces BY MYSELF?!? They're still talking about it in the puzzle annals (tee hee, annals). The other day, little e and I did four of the five puzzles he received.
• Sledding with the cousins even though the boy was coughing up a lung. (Pictures soon. Hopefully. Ahem, Ed.)
• Having the little dude's friends over for a birthday playdate. They all made him cards (Freddy professed his love for Elian in the one he made -- that's Freddy, the same little boy who likes to play tackle basketball. I have a feeling Elian and Freddy will grow to be good buddies.)
• He had to skip Monday playschool because he was so worn out from his birthday playdate -- he was begging for his nap before lunch. I figured he needed a little down time after about a week straight of go-go-go activity. When he returned to playschool on Wednesday, he brought cupcakes to share. And they made him a birthday crown and a sign. His friend Lizander made him a card.

My baby's getting so big. Sniff.

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