Thursday, December 11, 2008

wacky week!

This week is "Wacky Week" at the little dude's playschool. Monday was Pajama Day so he got to wear his pjs to school. Wednesday was Inside-out-Day, celebrated by the whimsical wearing of his clothing inside-out.

Since he's only at playschool two afternoons a week, he was very concerned about which wacky days he'd be missing. So Super Papa suggested that we celebrate Wacky Week at home. As it turns out, I had thrown away the Wacky Week schedule, so I wasn't sure what kind of wackiness was to go on the other days (sorry, Grandma). All I could remember was Hat Day.

On Tuesday, the little man and I made hats that we wore (for about five minutes). He ate PB&J for breakfast and Super Papa had the genius idea of having waffles for dinner (why can't every week be wacky?) served on a grown-up glass plate for the little man, and a monkey and a crab plate for Mama and Papa (we won't say who got the crab). And if you don't think that's wacky enough, Papa and I slept on opposite sides of the bed!

I know, we're crazy.

P.S. Today is Stripe Day. Let the wackiness begin!

1 comment:

bon bon said...

like you guys need a reason... ;o)
the photos are gut busters!!