Monday, March 01, 2010


Chewie is adjusting very well to her new home. A little too well if you ask me. One of our biggest challenges has been keeping her off the couch when she sees that Norman gets to plant his furry butt there 24/7. YOU'VE GOT TO EARN IT, GIRLIE!

That and it turns out Elian doesn't like so much being bit and scratched in the face. Don't get me wrong, Chewie is doing very well with her training, but when Elian gets her riled up, there's no stopping her. The other day he screamed, "I DON'T LIKE HER!! I DON'T LIKE HER!!!" But I know he does -- he LOVES her. And so does Norman. Wait. Well, Norman's at least doing a great job tolerating her. And today when we were playing outside, I could swear Norman was making a small attempt at playing with her as she pounced around and ran circles around his achy bones. Chewie just loves Norman and she follows him around like an annoying little sister. As soon as she hears the jingle-jangle of his collar, she stops whatever she's doing and starts trotting behind Norman.

Ed is skeptical that I am getting the non-shedding dog of my dreams. AWe were told her mother was a standard poodle and her father may have been the neighbor lab who came over for a little boww-chicka-boww-woww. And if that's the case, she'd be in the labradoodle family. But according to my labradoodle research, the first generation labradoodles (half poodle, half lab) are more likely to shed. D'OH! Back to the pound you go, Chewie! I kid. We'll see. No dog could possibly shed as much as Norman.

Oh, and remember the Lego baby playground? That thing is even a bigger thorn in my side than before because now I've got a puppy who wants to gobble it all up and a little boy who screams any time the puppy goes near it. I can't tell you how many times I've fished the teeter-totter out of her mouth. Actually, our "Drop it" training has been so successful that I partly wonder how much she's taking stuff she shouldn't just so she can get a treat when she drops it. Hmmmm.

All in all she's a very good girl. Crazy smart. So smart that her first night home with us she unzipped her way out of her crate. It went a little something like this:

AMY: It sounds like she's unzipping self out of the crate.
ED: Oh, she couldn't get out... SHE DID GET OUT!!!

Her antics are pretty much what I expected from a puppy. But we love her and she's a great addition to the family. And just to torture myself I keep checking petfinder to see if her siblings have been adopted. There are just two puppies remaining. Anyone?? Anyone??

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