Monday, May 07, 2007

he was born a poor black child

Some nights when I put little e to bed, I feel I am living that scene from the Jerk. You know, the one where Steve Martin is about to leave and he picks up random objects as he goes, "All I need is this ashtray...and this paddle game. The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need...And this remote control."

Before he goes into his crib, there's always some sort of negotiation about what he can and can not bring into his crib. (Right now he has two soccer balls in his crib with him (he gave up his bunny and his hippotamus to make room for those) plus a few stuffed animals for good measure. If it were up to him, he'd have the entire contents of his toy box in there with him. I don't really care if he plays with the toys before falling asleep, it's more a matter of safety and space logistics -- or a soccer ball rolling into his head the moment he falls asleep.

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