Tuesday, December 13, 2005

so long swanky dyson®

Vacuuming a couple times a week, I still can't seem to stay on top of the crap that accumulates on the floor. Tracked in dirt, the ubiquitous cheerio, and tiny tumbleweeds formed out of dog hair. They're everywhere. So what's a little boy to do when he's motoring around at top speed?

I'll tell you what he's to do: He's to pick up every little piece of floor matter he finds and present it to his mama like it's some sort of prize. These floor finds range in edibility and size -- usually unidentifiable foodstuffs the dog managed to miss. But sometimes what he holds up proudly to show me is so microscoptic, it's not visible to the human eye. Is that a dust mite between his pincers??

I plan to prolong this behavior with every ounce of enthusiasm and positive reinforcement I can convey -- after all, don't want a replay of the Great Heartworm-Pill Incident of 2005, do I? Besides, if he keeps this up, I won't have to vacuum.

Looks like somebody got mama's OCD genes. Poor kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can you take him on the road??