Monday, December 19, 2005

teacher, teacher, teacher

Today (and every day) I read little e one of his favorite books: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?

At the end of the book, when it runs through all of the things the children see, I usually point at each thing with my finger and name what it is. Since then, he's started this new thing where he guides my hand, pointing my finger to the picture he wants named.

Today he had a serious case of the sillies. When we got to this section, he took my finger and repeatedly pointed at the teacher. Every time he pointed, I'd say, "teacher". Point, point, point. "Teacher, teacher, teacher." Point, point, point, point, point, point... "Teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher...." (repeat 1000 times at varying speeds). He thought this was hilarious (as did I) and we continued this game, laughing together for quite some time.

So you know how when you say a word over and over, it begins to sound weird and just not right? Yeah, teacher. Weird.

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