Friday, February 24, 2006


There's a game that's sweeping the nation. It's called Chuck-a-Duck or "Cha-Dahhh." Here's how you play:
1. Line up eight rubber ducks and one orange fuzz ball on the side of the bath tub.
2. One by one, chuck each duck into the tub. Don't forget about the fuzz ball.
3. While chucking is in progress, yell "Cha-Dahh" at the top of your little lungs.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 five times.

And that, my friends, is how you play Chuck-a-Duck.

Good night.


Anonymous said...

I can not help but notice that there are only 7 ducks lined up plus one orange fuzz ball.

My mind is going crazy trying to figure out what happened to the eighth duck.


amy said...

YOUR mind is going crazy!?!? I have no idea where that crazy duck went. I suspect it may have been chucked into hiding.