Sunday, February 19, 2006

the year of the ball

Our little man has turned one year old. Actually, it happened a few weeks back, but who has time to blog, what with all the booger wiping that has to be done around here?

There was a big birthday blowout at the Wisconsin Dells (thanks, Grandma and Grandpa Schulz). Raisin got to share the celebration with three of his cousins whose birthdays all land within five days of his. The entire Schulz side was there and Grandma and Grandpa Johnson even stopped by for a special guest appearance.

There was some watersliding, wave pooling, present opening and, lest we forget, some throwing of the ball. By the time we got to the cake part, the kid was so tired he could barely lift his head, but once he saw the ball smack-dab in the middle of the cake, there was a miraculous recovery.

I'd write more but it feels like it happened so long ago. Wait. I almost forgot. There was also that part where mama got to take a big ol' 2-person whirlpool by herself. But only after fishing out the Tootsie Roll masquerading as a terd (oh, my funny family).

Happy birthday little man.


Anonymous said...

Wow your family is histerical!!!

amy said...

Yes, but not very good spellers.