Saturday, May 13, 2006

e-i-e-i-(insert random word here)

Like most kids his age, Raisin loves the song Old Mcdonald. Well, let me clarify, he likes to sing the E-I-E-I-O part. And let me tell you, that can never get old.

It started out as the traditional E-I-E-I-O. But then the husband and I started chiming in with an over-dramatic, boy-band inspired "ooooooooooooh" at the end, holding the note for a good 30 seconds, then, bringing it to an ear-popping high-note. And most the time Raisin follows.

Then one day, he did his own version, "E-I-E-I- BALLLLLLL!" (Go figure.) And it just sort of devolved from there. One day it was E-I-E-I- MAMA. Next it was E-I-E-I- PAPA. And who could forget Norman, Target, water, and Raisin's favorite, E-I-E-I- FLOWER!!!!! For some reason that one that one in particular is quality comedy material to the boy.

I can't wait for the day when he can appreciate a good poop joke with that same kind of enthusiasm.

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