Wednesday, May 31, 2006

master shape spotter

Our little man has a freakish ability to recognize shapes. I'm not calling him some sort of shape genius or anything. Maybe all kids his age do this. But sometimes it just blows my mind.

It goes without saying that anything in his world that is remotely circular is called out as a ball, but there's more to it than that. He can spot a heart the size of a dust mite from a mile away. And we know he's spotted a heart because everytime he sees one, he makes a "mwaaaa" sound like a kiss. Once on our walk, I heard him "mwaaa"-ing from his stroller. At first I thought it might be a leftover heart we had drawn on his hand at his request. But then I saw it, the decorative wooden-American-flag heart hanging in the porch ACROSS THE STREET FROM US. Hearts. Stars. Balls. If they're visible to the human eye (hell, even if they're not), he'll find them.

With the higher temperatures recently, we've had the fan in the window when this happened: He was sitting in our bed with his little pal Target. We saw him look at the fan, then look at Target, then look at the fan, then back at Target. Suddenly, a big smile spread across his face. It took us a little while, but we finally saw what he saw.

It wasn't a fan he was looking at, it was Target's eye.

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