Sunday, June 22, 2008

blog rut

Guess you could say I've been in sort of a blogging rut these days. Since the weather's been so beautiful, the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer. Then there's the part about how the boy's been saying such funny things that I can't even keep up with it. I almost feel overwhelmed by the funniness.

Here's my attempt to de-rutify. I'll tell you about the perfect weekend we had. It started out with a t-ball double header. We packed a picnic lunch and watched Emma, Gavin and Lilah's t-ball games. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jibber-jabbering through both games and missed most of the plays. But I did see each one of them bat and Gavin lose his shoe as he was rounding the bases. Then our pal Duncan came home with us while Mike and Shannon went out of town.

Saturday, it was a beautiful day. We went to the Walker to meet Chad and his daughter Nora for a round of mini golf. We had forgotten that it was the weekend of Rock the Garden so we nearly missed mini-golfing since they closed up shop early. But after playing our round, we ate lunch outside while listening to Andrew Bird and the New Pornographers warm up and while Elian and Nora played tag and hide and seek.

Saturday night we ate dinner outside by the river at Picosa. The dinner was great, service not so much. Since it started to pour, we had to skip our river walk that we had planned. Elian got to stay up extra late since he took a sweet nap that afternoon. So he and Mama snuggled on the couch while watching Word World and Curious George. I may have dozed off a few times.

Which brings us to today. Nothing too exciting in the morning. Some laundry complete with sheet changing. I told Elian I was putting his Mickey Mouse sheets on his bed, to which he replied: "Thanks, Mama. I only say 'Thank you' when you do things I want." This afternoon we went to an Open Eye Theatre Driveway Tour puppet show. The show was supposed to be in a friend of a friend's backyard. But as soon as we got there, it started to down pour, so they moved it inside their house. It was a pretty cool show although four children ended up crying due to some scary bad guys. Elian really enjoyed it and I think the fact that we were seated more toward the back and he was sitting on my lap made him more brave. The people who hosted the show had a little boy named Zachary. Zachary is 4 1/2 and if ever there was a soul mate for Elian, it is Zachary. He loves balls, pool, pinball AND marbles. The two of them played like best buddies all night and hopefully we will be getting together with them again soon for some bowling.

To top off our perfect weekend, on the way home from the puppet show, Elian asked out of the blue: "Mama, when I came out of your belly button, where did I come out?"

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