Friday, August 28, 2009

in which she gains not just another year but also 15 pounds

My friend Amy is the best. She sent me not one, but TWO dozen scrumptious and beautiful mini cupcakes for my birthday. Not only that, but when she was giving me the heads up about it over the phone. I mistakingly repeated back the word, "Delivery?" and the little dude heard it.

He has been quite obsessed with the UPS truck lately. Whenever we see it around town, he traces it with his eyes, following its next turn to see if it's headed toward our house with a possible delivery for him. After which I explain that it's not his birthday or Christmas so probably he won't be receiving anything via UPS anytime soon.

Well, Amy overheard his pathetic over-anticipation of this mysterious delivery (and how he thought it might be for him). So she felt she couldn't disappoint. So yesterday, not only did we receive the two dozen amazing cupcakes (plus four French macaroon cookies), but Elian got a perfect little waterfally sand toy for his new sand box (to be featured in a later post once the resident Hernan-dos photographer completes his photo series of our backyard project). The little man was beside himself when the UPS truck pulled up in front of our house. He nervously paced back and forth and ran to the door to peek through the window. If only I had captured it on video.

So before the arrival of the cupcakes, Ed promised Elian that they would make a cake together for my birthday. Do you think that two dozen cupcakes are going to deter the boy from baking me a cake (well, not one of the boys)? I explained to him this morning that with all the cupcakes, maybe he and Papa don't need to make me a cake. Shame on me. "Mama, you NEED a cake" (thankfully, he got Grandma Schulz's birthday-cake genes). We then decided that you could never have too much cake, so they plan to make it this afternoon. And I plan to eat it.

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