Saturday, April 29, 2006

florida 2006

I planned to post a detailed synopsis of our trip to Florida. But the more time that passes, the more trouble I have coming up with stuff to write about it.

We had a really great time. But, I mean really, sunshine, beach, grandma and grandpa. Them theres the making of a good time.

Except for the part where he chucked his Nuk three rows ahead of us, followed by his attempts to chuck everything else not fastened to him, several rows ahead of us, Raisin did an awesome job on the airplane. Maybe the entertainment provided by Ringling Brothers Mama and Papa Circus had something to do with it. I really expected some serious sleeping to go on during the flight since it was over his afternoon nap time, but it just didn't happen except on the flight home in the last 30-45 minutes. The perfect ending to our trip was having that tuckered little boy asleep in my lap.

Some of the highlights:
• Hearing Raisin say both grandma and grandpa in their presence and watching him interact with "dog" -- one who actually tolerated his antics unlike his brother Norman.
• Being seated by the train at the Bubble Room and watching Raisin's face every time the train came around -- and the delicious gianormous desserts.
• Raisin's fishlike tendencies in both ocean and pool. He loved the water and that made me happy. He did not, however, like saltwater in his eyes (surprise, surprise).
• The visit with the Cuban relatives -- a huge picnic featuring roast pig (Cuban style), black beans and rice, yucca (I'm drooling just thinking about it). The picnic was on a farm with horses, cows, little piggies, bunnies -- Raisin was in heaven with all of the animals and lots of people fawning over him in Spanish.

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