Thursday, April 06, 2006

a man and his wound: a tale of courage

Last night (or, this morning) Ed worked until 4 a.m. Since I work in advertising, too, I know all too well how this happens. You see, advertising is a life or death business. Things happen, a client needs an ad rightthisverysecond or PEOPLE WILL DIE!!!!! However, now that I work for myself, my boss lets me go home whenever I want and so far no lives have been lost. (Side note: The other nightwe watched an old Cary Grant movie where he played a guy in advertising. He had 6 MONTHS to come up with a slogan. That made us giggle (or was it cry?))

Back to Ed working late. Apparently, in the process of putting the boards together, the poor man sliced his finger with an exacto knife. He cut himself pretty badly, and nearly bled to death as no one was insane enough to also be there until 4 a.m. to take him to the hospital. That's right, HE NEARLY DIED. I saw an entire reenactment of the harrowing event. What a brave, brave, husband I have. And let me just say, if I could hear about this cut on his finger 100 more times, it wouldn't be enough.

Actually, I can really sympathize with the working-until-4 a.m. part, but we both know where I received stitches a little more than a year ago. So sympathy for the tip of your pointer finger? Not so much.

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