Monday, April 17, 2006

the re-gifter easter bunny

This Easter, little e scored quite the collection of fluffy spring-time critters. There was the little lamb from Grandma and Grandpa S. Plus, a duck, a chick and a bunny proudly presented to him by each of his three adoring cousins who visited over the weekend.

So what's an Easter Bunny to do? I couldn't bring myself to buy him even more stuffed animals -- those things multiply faster than the Easter bunny himself, you know. And he's only one. He has a few more stuffed-critter-accumulating Easter years ahead of him. So, with a little re-packaging, the Easter Bunny regifted all of the above, plus, a little bird I had given to him a few weeks ago. What!?!? It's probably the last year I'll be able to get away with such tackiness. I'm not so evil. He also got some new BALL! magnets, a new sparkly egg book and a frosted sugar Egg cookie from the bakery.

What's that? Is it the rubber duck/bunny you got from Grandma S. last year? How'd he get in there!?! Tacky, tacky Easter Bunny.

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