Monday, April 03, 2006

walker texas ranger

When you have a child you get asked about milestones. Is he sleeping through the night? Is he eating solids? Is he crawling? How about walking, is he walking yet?

I'm pleased to report that yes, Raisin is walking. He actually has been for a while now. And it's not that it wasn't worthy of a post, it's just that it happened so darn gradually that it was difficult to discern when the actual "first step" happened. Does it count as a first step if he's hanging on to a couch? What if he falls right after the step? What if it's more like a half step -- does that count? He did all those things at the beginning.

But probably the best part was that very snowy Monday about a month ago. Ed was using the snow as an excuse to stay home from work, so we were both home. And that's when Raisin took the most steps we had seen. From Ed to me, he walked like a little drunken midget (sorry, little person) -- about seven steps. While it was really cool to see, I'm not sure it was the big tear-jerking emotional moment that it had been built up to be. It was more funny to see the excitement on his face, the hands held close to his shoulders and hear the "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" (increasing in pitch) as he neared his destination in a kamikaze fashion.

Up until the last four or five days, he had been a bit of a reluctant walker -- reserving it for special ocassions. But now his confidence has increased ten-fold and the boy's all over the place albeit still like a drunken midget.

Pray for us.

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