Thursday, July 27, 2006


Raisin usually poops the consistency of baby food. I thought this was a bit odd at his age but according to his doctor, it's fine. It concerned me a little because, not that he's close to being ready to potty train, but when toddlers are ready to start using the little potty, you're supposed to be able to just dump their poop from the little potty into the toilet. I figure it will be more like scraping it out with a rubber spatula.

With that in mind, I kid you not, these words came out of Ed's mouth at about 6 a.m. this morning while changing Raisin's diaper on our bed.

"Ooh, it's a roly-poly poopie -- the kind that mama likes."

(HOLDING DIAPER OUT) "Look mama, this is the kind you could just dump in the toilet."

(THEN THIS) "Uh oh, where'd it go?..."

I'm pleased to report, it was found.

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