Wednesday, August 02, 2006

girls rule, boys drool

I am just now coming out of my relaxation coma from a glorious girls' weekend in Wisconsin.

I spent three, count 'em three, nights with my pal Amy at her parents' luxurious house on a lake. Yes, that's right, HOUSE on a LAKE where I slept in a gianormous king-sized bed with about 18 fluffy pillows and had my own private bathroom. What more do you need? I'll tell ya. To make your girly-girl weekend complete, you also need some trashy tabloid magazines, some pick-a-mix Brachs candies, some Oreos, some teeny-tiny minty balls of ice cream, a manicure, a pedicure, a few good chick flicks, three solid nights of sleep and lots of giggling. Then if you're extra lucky, your awesome pal might chauffeur you around the lake in a pontoon boat while you lie back and let the waves lull you into a state of bliss.

Important things I decided after this weekend:
1. I miss my boys when I'm away from them.
2. Rocky Rococo's pizza is not quite as delicious as I remember.
3. Ditto for Lollies.
4. I could get used to living in a house on a lake.
5. Keira Knightly and Kate Bosworth could really use a sandwich.

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