Friday, September 29, 2006

cuppa joe

After a somewhat challenging day with the little dude yesterday, today I decided that no matter how cold it was outside, we were going to the park. So we did.

Then, since I've been coffee deprived for a few days, I decided we'd go to the neighborhood cafe. Mama needs her caffeine. And I bribed the boy with the promise of animal cookies once we got there.

Wow, he must've been campaigning for good boy of the year. We sat down on the couch like two adults sharing coffee. Since this place is very kid friendly, I totally expected to be sitting in the corner as he poked away at the collection of broken, germ-petrie-dish toys. But instead, we took a few books and a puzzle to our table and laughed as he stole little bites of my scone. It was a motherly awesome morning.

On our way out, he scrutinized the messiness of the floor and attempted to pick up bits of muffins he found. I wanted to buy some beans before we left because I couldn't go another day without coffee in the house. At the counter he pleaded, "Hold it, hold it, hold it!" (he likes to do his part, holding my wallet and giving the cashier my money at every transaction). The cashier responded, "He's making me a little anxious." HA! I'll give you anxious Ms. Barrista!

I think the key to our best days is keeping us both out of the house as long as possible.

Well, that and caffeine.

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