Saturday, September 30, 2006

paris hilton has nothing on this boy

This morning Ed had planned a special boys' day with the little man, so I could tackle a mama project.

Little e has been fascinated with buses ever since we watched Papa both board and return home on one. So the plan was that Ed would take him downtown on the bus to the new library. Norman and I dropped them off at the bustop after our walk and watched them board. Then I walked home with a dog and an empty stroller. I probably either looked like A. A crazy person with her imaginary baby. or B. A very irresponsible mom who hadn't yet realized she had lost her baby -- or if she had, she was a little too calm about it. I was tempted to scream, "HAVE YOU SEEN MY BABY??!?" to anyone who passed by, but I didn't.

I arrived home giddy with anticipation. Not that I wanted to see the boys go, but if you know me, you know that I detest clutter and the project I planned was to organize the little boy's gianormous wardrobe. We've been very lucky that we've gotten lots of great hand-me-downs from his cousin Gavin (who conveniently was born in the same month making the seasons and sizes work out well). We've also received bags upon bags from our friends who have older boys -- twins -- so everything's in duplicate. Then there was the bag of barely-worn shoes from Ed's coworker. And add to that the at least one new t-shirt that comes with every visit from Grandma and Grandpa J. It all equals two dressers and seven paper bags filled with clothing ranging in sizes up to, from what I can tell, 4.

The good thing about getting all these hand-me-downs, is I never have to buy the boy any clothes. The bad part? I never have to buy the boy any clothes. Seriously, we have barely bought the kid a thing clotheswise. Sometimes I get a little sad that I can't pick out new things for him. It's just too hard to justify -- hard, but not impossible. Recently, I did break down and bought him one of these. I mean really, how could I not??:

But the amount of clothes I sorted through this morning is just obscene. I felt so guilty seeing things that still had tags on -- things that never saw the light of day because they were the wrong size for the season. Like that adorable fuzzy bear jacket pants. Or the little Petite Bateau outfit that we received as a gift that probably cost an arm and a leg.

We dress our kid like ourselves, not very fancy. So as I was sorting through all the fancy Talbotts kids clothes from the twins, I giggled when I imagined our little guy in them. I'm not sure he's a Ralph Lauren sweater vest sporting kid. Then there were the Hanna Andersson clothing-- where do I put the size 100??

So I'm done. Well actually only Phase 1 is done. Everything's in drawers but everything over a size two is still mixed together. All the old clothes are put into Rubbermaid containers and will go up in the attic until we decide whether or not we'll try for a Raisin 2.

In the meantime, note to self: Must buy stock in Rubbermaid.

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