Monday, December 04, 2006

as seen on tv

Lately Raisin's really into imitating what he sees on TV. Some of his favorites? Holding change, eating a hotdog and playing a drum very loudly just like in one episode of Caillou he has seen over and over again. "Like Caillou" he says.

But this is not to be outdone by "Like Mr. Noodle" wherein he makes his head move in funny ways. Or when Mr. Noodle rolls over his giant ball to pick up his drum sticks.

Then there was the other day, when we saw one of the Harlem Globetrotters spinning a basketball on his finger. With this one, he often hands me a very small ball and says, "Mama, like TV." It never fails to disappoint him that mama can't spin basketballs on her finger.

But it's not just the TV he's influenced by. After spending Thanksgiving weekend at Ed's parents, it was all about his older boy cousins. He would deliberately step on a train track he had just put together "Like Ian." Then, after spending an hour or so with his other cousins last night he wanted to play basketball "Like Lilah" after the two of them had a serious game of one-on-one with the door-mounted hoop.

I get the feeling it might be in our best interest to rent a few DVDs on Mother Theresa.

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