Sunday, December 17, 2006


I am in mourning. This weekend, we watched the very last episode of the last season of Six Feet Under.

I can't tell you how sad I am that the series is over. I never really felt this way about a TV show before. Sure, I was a little disappointed when they canceled Freaks and Geeks. Then there was that whole Felicity thing. But this was different. No other show affected me like this show. The acting. The writing. It was flawless. Sniff, sniff. Now it's gone! Sniff.

I told Ed that we may as well cancel our Netflix subscription. Oh, how I looked forward to those episodes arriving in the mail.
Ed, if you're reading, this might make a nice stocking stuffer for your favorite wife.

Gotta go, we're going to watch the commentary now. I just know I'm going to tear up. Again.

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