Sunday, December 03, 2006

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

Saturday we put up the Christmas tree. Yes, a little early, we know, but we're a family who likes Christmas trees. We like them so much we decided to put it upstairs again. That way, we can go to bed with Christmas tree lights and wake up to them thanks to the handy timer.

We debated putting the tree up while the little boy was asleep like we did last year because that very effectively blew his mind. But we decided that he might enjoy helping us. Because if there's anything that kid likes to do, it's help.

The Christmas excitement began when he spotted the Green Bay Packer football ornament lovingly bestowed upon us by a family member who knows how much we love the game of football. The fact that he spotted a ball ornament may not sound very unusual until you consider that the ornament was still in the ornament box -- and the box was closed. You would've had to get on your hands and knees. And then crank your neck just so. And then squint your eyes to be able to see it. And you would've had to have super-natural ball-spotting poweres. Even then, you probably wouldn't have been able to see it. But little e? He takes one quick look at the ornament box and yells FOOTBALL! and continued to proclaim his excitement until he had it in his hot little hands.

Did he enjoy decorating the tree? Not so much. But we did manage to get this clip that really captures the Christmas spirit. I call it, "Uphill, downhill."

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