Thursday, August 09, 2007

the purple devil

Despite some attempts by people who shall be nameless to inflict Barney on my son, he remains unscathed. As far as I know, the only time he has ever seen Barney has been a nanosecond of a dvd preview that was quickly fast-forwarded over and this time. And that was more than a year ago -- and beyond our control.

Maybe it's not so much Barney I have the problem with. After all, sadly he has one of the more tolerable voices when it comes to characters aimed at children. I think it's his followers. Those kids with their creepy lip synching ways, exaggerated moves and plastic smiles. They sort of give me the willies -- like they're in some sort of Barney-induced trance.

So yesterday after Curious George had ended on Tivo, there was a quick moment of live TV before I turned it off. And guess who we see? AGHHHHHH! An intense sense of panick and alarm came over me as my inner voice said, "TURNITOFFTURNITOFFTURNITOFF!!!" And then he says, "What's that, mama?" I tried to play it cool. I knew what would happen if I expressed my displeasure with Barney; the same thing that happened when I expressed my dislike for reading Dick and Jane stories as in now he picks Dick and Jane EVERY TIME. I was all "Oh, this? Um, this is Barney... Wow, look at your marble thing!" But there he sat staring at the TV as Barney and his little Barney-kool-aid drinkers bopped along and sang about exercise. After letting him see about 20 seconds, I turned off the TV and suggested we made lunch. And there was no further word about Barney.

Until today. We were making peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches when he said as clear as day, "Let's watch Barney on TV." I played dumb. "Huh? Whuu? Who is the Barney of which you speak?" And he answered, "He's that guy -- a dinosaur..."


P.S. In other related news, Papa took him shopping for Bandaids yesterday. He picked out the Backyardigans even though he's never seen the show before. Now he proudly points at his Bandaid and says, "it's the Backyardigans!" I can't wait until he starts seeing regular commercials actually TRYING to sell him something.


Anonymous said...

I think they make Barney band-aids.

Anonymous said...

This is his Papa writing. Just so everyone knows: he picked the Backyardigans band-aids mainly because the shape of the penguin's head on the box resembled a ball. Yes, his exact words were, "It's kind of like a ball!"

amy said...

Who are you and what have you done with my husband? He does not comment on blogs!