Friday, November 30, 2007

rorschach poop

Even though Elian's been doing #2 in the potty since Halloween, he still feels the need to share his creations with us. One day, not too long ago, there was one in his little potty saved (by his insistence) by the babysitter until I got home. Then, yesterday, when Ed was helping him do the deed, he called to me, "Mama, come here and see this GORGEOUS poopie!" (Though I think he may have meant "ginormous" because that word has been used to describe some of his work.)

But usually, it's just a matter of showing us what kind of shape he has created. Some people see shapes in clouds, our kid sees shapes in bowel movements. Exclamation points. Pretzels. A smiley face. The list goes on. Today it was a bird. When I tossed the TP into the toilet, he exclaimed, "You covered my bird!" and then when I flushed, he tweet, tweet, tweeted as the bird whirled its way down the toilet bowl.

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