Sunday, September 07, 2008

bob's 2008

It's always hard for me to write about events in which too many things happen (hello, early onset Alzheimer's?). As usual our annual trip to the north shore was a really great time. Spending that time in a tiny cabin with its tiny bathroom and lack of stuffed cupboards filled with crap, always makes me want to sell all of our stuff and move into a tiny trailer. There was a lot of rock throwing. Much quoting of Winnie-the-Pooh by the boy. And a lot of stuffing of the face with a new favorite addiction by Mama.

Day 1:
Loaded up on provisions at the Duluth Co-op before making our way to Two Harbors. Declined the expensive vegan marshmallows in favor of the $2 bag at SuperOne. It's not like we ever eat more than four. We end up throwing the rest away after they're as hard as hockey pucks.

Papa makes a delicious dinner of turkey burgers. Afterwards we play a few intense rounds of "Go Fish." Papa delivers an Oscar-worthy performance asking Mama for cards he knows darn well that he-who-cannot-seem-to-hold-five-cards-without-showing-his-opponents has.

Day 2:
We get an early start. What, us? Enjoy a small hike at Gooseberry Falls. We look for Elian's penny he found in the falls then later tossed off a bridge last year. No luck.

What would a trip up north be without a stop at Betty's Pies. The little man and I split a five-layer chocolate. The big Papa eats a ginormous piece of Apple Crunch piece himself. And it was a la mode, people!

Stop by a lame miniature golf course we pass all the time. We're doubtful it's open since it's past Labor Day. Papa goes in to inquire at the hotel while we wait in the car. Exits hotel hiding golf clubs behind his back. Elian spots them. Maniacal, golf-crazed laughter ensues.

Return to Bob's Cabins. Papa and Elian enjoy a game of one-on-one at the hoop. Bill, the owner of Bob's stops by to say hello. Mistake's Elian's name for Elliott (he gets this a lot). Elian decides that his nickname will be Elliott. Not sure he gets the whole nickname thing.

More rock throwing by Elian and Papa. And why wouldn't there be? According to the boy, "There's nothing better than rock throwing."

Hi-Ho Cherrio marathon between Elian and Mama while Papa whips up an awesome chicken salad. After-dinner family game of Sorry. Get the feeling that the little man isn't really sorry when he sends Mama back to start.

While downloading photos to his laptop, Papa discovers he can mooch Internet access off Doris' house. Sorry, Doris. I hear giggling from the next room -- Papa catching up on a few Jon Stewart clips. I scold him for surfing the internet while we are at Bob's.

Day 3:
Lazy breakfast in the cabin. Boy is crabby with a capitol "C" today. We had mentioned the possibility of going bowling on the trip. Today he wakes up with bowling on the brain. I want to go bowling...can we go bowling...we could do that...AFTER WE GO BOWLING??? blah, blah, bowling, bowling. BLAH! We go bowling. Mama forgets she's not wearing socks. Hell, no she's putting her bare foot in a stinky bowling shoe! Buy lovely pair of bowling-themed socks from vending machine. Boy is jealous.

Mediocre to bad lunch at Grandma's Saloon. Boy still crabby.

Go to beach and play at playground. Mama is COLD. Go to car to thaw and to enjoy some solitary crossword puzzle action while boys play on beach.

Trip to Electric Fetus cut short by Elian's wet toots. Hmm, could explain his mood? That doesn't stop us from getting ice cream at our favorite Portland Malt Shoppe. Little E is adamant that he will have no part in sharing a malt. He wants REAL ICE CREAM.

A little rest at the cabin. Elian quietly works on one of the puzzles he got for his birthday.

Light dinner followed by Kettle Korn.

Day 4:

Kick off the day with breakfast and a Candyland marathon. Nobody gets Queen Frostine on the first draw. NOBODY!

Visit Two Harbors lighthouse. Make our ways down the breakwater, throwing rocks along the way. Back to the shore for more rock throwing. The little man skips his FIRST ROCK (two skips). Papa creates breathtaking rock art. Photos to come.

Lunch at our favorite New Scenic Cafe. Can you say warmed figs with walnuts and blue cheese drizzled with pure maple syrup? Yum.

Plans to surprise boy with dinner at pizza place with skeetball we discovered last year but it's closed. Opt for the better pizza of our other "pre-boy" pizza place. Papa picks it up and brings it back to the cabin. The little boy freaks me out with his virtual word-by-word memorization of one of the Winnie-the-Pooh stories on Papa's computer.

Last day. Sniff:

Clean up the cabin -- everything but the bed guard rail that we managed to leave behind*. Breakfast at Judy's Cafe. The little man singlehandedly polishes off a large pancake then sleeps for most of the ride home.


*To be picked up by Kevin and Bridget on their trip to Bob's in a week.

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