Saturday, September 13, 2008

see elian read. read elian read!

Recently the boy has become quite the little reader. I credit the show Super Why which is incredibly awesome and his giant brain (that he gets from his mother).

Now every night before bed and before nap, he chooses two books, a book that we read to him and Dick and Jane that he reads to us. Yes, Dick and Jane, or "Stinkin' Pain" as I like to call it. 

He went through this Dick and Jane phase a while back where he was choosing this book every night. Every. Single. Night. It was just so painful to read and he would pick it every time just to watch me squirm. But now that he's reading it (mostly) on his own, I'm happy to say, I don't mind it as much. 

See mama smile. Smile, mama, smile.

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