Friday, September 12, 2008

a monster story

Once upon a time there were three monsters, Moe, Larry and Curly...

So begins the monster story that either Ed or I tell Elian every night. It began a while back when Elian asked me to tell him a story about monsters. Not one to be able to throw a story together off the cuff, that's how it started. I mean, you try coming up with three names while a three year-old is hanging on your every word.

Usually the stories have something or EVERYTHING to do about what happened that day. If I'm lucky, I can weave some sort of moral in there based on some good or bad behavior. Somewhere down the road, Ed introduced Shemp without my knowledge. I don't really care for stories involving Shemp the monster. It really throws off the whole three-monster dynamic. But sometimes Elian requests stories about him and I'm forced to deliver.

I'm just waiting for the day when he discovers who Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp really are. He's going to feel so betrayed.

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