Thursday, October 30, 2008

a last word about the election

Today, Norman cast his ballot for the presidential election -- pooping on a lawn that displayed a McCain/Palin sign.

We hadn't done much talking about the election in front of Elian. But after correctly sounding out an Obama sign on someone's lawn, he would point them out to us every time he saw one. We had a conversation about what the signs meant -- how the people who had the Obama signs wanted Obama to become president and how the people who had the McCain signs wanted McCain to become president. He asked us who we wanted to be president. And since then, he may as well be knocking on doors campaigning for Mr. Obama.

When I picked him up from pre-school the other day, out of the blue he said, "We don't want John McCain to win." Then, the other day, he and Ed were looking over a sample voting ballot. He spotted the word "no" on a referendum and said, "That says, "NO, to John McCain."

On that note, how about one last clip before the election?

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