Sunday, November 23, 2008

a day in the life of a monkey

Yesterday we went to see Macy's "Day in the Life of an Elf." We figured we'd get there early, you know, beat the crowds, I mean it's not even Thanksgiving, people! WRONGO BONGO! We saw the line wrap around several corners and ropes and high-tailed it to the Macy's cafeteria. That'll teach us to think ahead. Looks like we'll have to pair it up with our usual pilgrimage to see Santa on our Secret-Visiting-Day when there are no crowds. Ha!

Elian loves to eat at the Macy's cafeteria. It's like Old Country Buffet to him where he can pick whatever he wants. Most of the heated items weren't out for the weekend so he couldn't get his regular macaroni and cheese that he gets when we visit Papa for lunch. He decided he wanted sushi instead. No, really. Sushi and a Granny Smith apple as big as his head.

I opted for a tiny sample of chicken-noodle soup and a giant spinach salad.

And Papa went for a pressed ham and cheese sandwich and some kind of grainy salad. Apparently he didn't feel his meal was photo-worthy.

After lunch, we wandered over to one of Mama's favorite places. The little man chewed bubble gum for the very first time (he'd tried a piece a few weeks before but never actually chewed it - just like Bill Clinton). It was totally funny seeing him swing his arms like he was Mr. Cool Guy chewing his gum. He tried to make eye contact with everyone we passed to make sure they knew he was chewing gum. It was hilarious. You can see how much he's enjoying it by the look on his face. It was probably the most stale gum ball on the face of the earth. I know because I chewed the other half (for about 14 seconds). Poor guy, his only two experiences with gum have been with totally hard and stale gum balls.

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