Friday, November 21, 2008

ni hao

When we moved into our house, I liked the fact that we were so close to a school. Even though I knew nothing about it, I imagined how great it would be to be able to walk my child to school every day. Sadly, due to lack of funding/enrollment the school closed and I still haven't done any serious looking into kindergarten yet.

We talked about the possibility of Spanish Immersion school. I mean a kid named Elian Hernandez (not to mention a man named Eduardo Hernandez) pretty much has to speak Spanish. But the Spanish Immersion school starts at 7:30 a.m. As if. So imagine my surprise when I learned that the school so close to us will probably be reopening. As a Chinese immersion school.

From what I know so far, it's one of the first Chinese immersion schools in the Midwest. It's growing so fast that they've grown out of their space in St. Paul. And it starts at a reasonable 9 a.m. I'm intrigued. I think there's been a waiting list for the kindergarten, so who knows how realistic of an option it is. Dude, can't you just imagine the little man speaking CHINESE?!?


bon bon said...

you could get him to school at 7:30 then go home and take a nap! until noon or so.

it'd be cool for elian know chinese too, but seriously, he could come home and just make up some jibberish and you'd never know.

amy said...

True, but I'm more worried about his sleepiness than mine.

He's learning Spanish in preschool now. He'll come home and spout off something that sounds like Spanish/jibberish but I have no idea what he's saying. Kids these days.