Tuesday, November 11, 2008

if i had millions of dollars

I would finance a scientific study to prove toddler PMS. I seriously believe the little man and I experience crazy hormonal unbalance at the same time. Take what happened so far today:

I go to pick him up from his little pre-school class. I accidentally tug a little of his hair while helping him put on his hat. The crying begins: WAHHHHH!!!!

Before we exit the building, he wants to sit on the counter and jump off like he sees his friend AJ doing. I say, "Let's just get going buddy." He seems to take it pretty well. We start our walk home and he starts sobbing. I ask him what's wrong to which he replies, "I...don't...knowwwwwwwwww...."

We meet up with a little girl who's in his class and lives down the street from us. They start to race each other down the path of the park. She gets to the street and proclaims herself the winner. Without missing a beat, he starts to cry, "She...said...she...wonnnnnn. She...didn't...win!!!!!!"

We make our way inside the house. As I start making lunch he sees his SPAM beach ball that's a little flat (and has been for days). He starts to freak out. "MAMA, CAN YOU BLOW UP MY SPAM BALL!?!?!?!....tears, tears, tears,...BLOW UP MY SPAM BALL!!!" He finally settles down and scarfs down his lunch. (Maybe it's hunger?) I ask him what he did in class. He tells me about prints they made with apples and paint. Then his face falls and the waterworks start again, "WE LEFT IT THERE!!!!...!!!!...!!!!" (No, it's PMS. Definitely PMS.) I explain that maybe it wasn't dry and it wasn't ready to be taken home. We'd pick it up next class. I mean it's not like we don't have a mountain of pre-school projects already (I didn't say that part out loud).

Now he's in bed listening to Pooh stories. I'm crossing my fingers he takes a nap. Or some Midol.

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