Thursday, October 14, 2010

early bird

So the little man's been wanting to get to school early so he can be the first one there. Why? So he can get the fake money in the Housekeeping Area (my little capitalist). Apparently, there are only a few bills to go around and usually one or two kids hog them. If he gets there early enough, HE gets the money and can SHARE with whomever he'd like. So for the past four or five days, Ed's been taking him to school a little earlier and thus, getting to work earlier himself.

This morning, he crawled into our bed and once again proclaimed his desire to get to school early. And then said, "Today. I'm going for the wheels." (Apparently the lego wheels are hard to come by as well.) And then he added, "If I can't get those, I'm going for the money."

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