Sunday, June 04, 2006

blah! ball

Little e has a new favorite game. We call it Blah! Ball. You know the little dragon character from Baby Einstein? What do you mean, no? Well, there's this dragon and he says blah and man, is it funny (to a 16-month old)!

When we took our trip to Florida, we bought Raisin a little Blah puppet-- one of the countless props we used to entertain him on the flight. Now, apparently, it's more fun to play ball with Blah than it is with Mama or Papa.

The game usually starts when Raisin hobbles over to one of us, Blah in hand, and says, "ball" expecting you to go and fetch one. So you do, being the obedient parent that you are. Then, ever-so-carefully, you pick up the ball in Blah's mouth and throw it across the room. This can go on for a while. However, it's one of the better games for getting stuff done because a Blah on your hand can actually be quite helpful in some of the multitasking -- like drying dishes, for example. Or like last night when we were sipping cold, boozy cocktails, Blah was almost like a beer cozy around my icy glass.

Everyone needs a Blah. Act now while supplies last.

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