Wednesday, June 28, 2006

sidewalk chalk: it's not just for sidewalks anymore

This past weekend we bought Raisin a large bucket of sidewalk chalk. We figured it would provide him with hours upon hours of good wholesome artistic fun. We were right. He is an arteest and the world is his canvas. THE WORLD.

The only bad part about having a wall of our kitchen done in blackboard paint is trying to explain to a 17-month old boy why he can't draw on every wall of the house. "No sweetie, Mama likes the wood frame to be wood color -- not fuchsia." The backyard walks are pretty much covered with artistic renderings of balls, Target, hearts, numbers, etc. And now mini-Picasso has moved on to bigger and better things. Hardwood floors. Garbage cans. My pants. The dog. Nothing's safe from his merciless sidewalk chalk tags.

I think we'll hold off on the finger paints.

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