Monday, June 19, 2006

mister negativity

We had visitors Wednesday through Sunday. Whenever we're with people who don't have kids, I hope that Raisin behaves himself so that he doesn't become the kid that equals another dose of birth control every time you see him. Except for a string a sleepless nights, he pretty much turned on the charm. And I suspect our guests flew back to Seattle wanting to get them one of those. Er, maybe not.

We started our swim class this morning. As the teacher was telling us the most important thing to remember, "Don't let your kids in the water until you say so," Raisin was toe-deep in the zero-depth pool. I'm glad he's still excited about the water. After we got in the pool the teacher passed out an assortment of water toys. Guess what he got. A BALL. Actually it looked more like one of those sponge clown noses.

In other exciting news. His "owwwww" that he used for the word "no" has now quite clearly evolved into the word "no." Let the defiance begin. It's pretty funny though. When he says it, it's not like an adament no, it's more like "Mmmm-I-don't-think-so- not-today-mama" no.

My head feels like it's the size of a watermelon. Failure to lather the boy in Purel after a trip to the new library has resulted in snotty-coughy-achy colds for all of us. Hooray! On top of a major teething episode, I expect that we'll be getting some decent sleep in oh, around 2025. Stupid library.

Good night.

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