Thursday, August 24, 2006

like every mother, i think my child is a genius

and here are the reasons why:

• His vocabulary alone is impressive. At his 18-month checkup they asked if he knew at least three words. Um, chya?!? He knows like eight bazillion. I couldn't even begin to list them all.
•• He is combining words into almost sentences. One of my favorites: "Too big. Cut." (Stay tuned for a future post about how maybe not like every mother, I think my child has textbook OCD.)
• He has announced on more than one occasion, both in the car and while walking, that we were close to home. And he was right.
• He has a wicked sense of humor. Take this for example.
Mama: "What do you want for breakfast?"
Little e: "Eat mama." (followed by laughter and attempts to sink teeth into mama's arm.)
Other variations includ: Eat papa. Eat Norman. Eat sky...
Yeah, see what I mean? The kid is funny.
• He already has a grasp of adjectives and their meanings: in, out, up, down, big, small, messy, high, wet...
• He can identify the following colors: yellow, blue, red, green, purple
• He can, quite accurately, fill in the blank with numbers as we count up to ten or fifteen depending on his mood.
• He pronounces words correctly in the possessive form: Papa's, Mama's, etc.
• And when he's talking in plural, he usually adds the "s" on at the end.
• There are so many more things that blow my mind every day. But of course, I can't remember them all because unlike my son, I do not have a mind like a steel trap.

For any of my family who might be reading this, I'm not trying to be a big fat bragger because hell, probably all my nieces and nephews were doing this too and I just didn't pay much attention because it wasn't my child. I just wanted to get it all down before I forgot -- I know I've already forgotten a lot.

Maybe he'll get to be two and not learn anything more and be forever stuck at this level -- that would show me! I really wouldn't want him to be a super-genius anyway. That would suck -- having a kid who's smarter than you, pointing out all your bad grammar and shit. I can hear the conversation now, "Why hello, mother, say, can we discuss how ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny?" Um, yeah, go ask your father...

But I mean c'mon, just look at the mad-scientist hair.

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