Friday, August 25, 2006

potty mouth

Guess who got a new potty!

The past week or so, little e has been telling us at the precise moment when he's gone pee pee or poopies. He's also been showing more interest in watching us go to the bathroom. Now I know 19 months may be a little early to start potty training. But from what I've read/heard, kids start to show an interest when they're ready. And of course, I was ready to jump all over it.

I had visions of doing away with the diapers -- think of the land fill we're saving the earth! No more shlepping the gianormous box of Luvs to and fro! Oh, I was excited. So the other day, after little e announced he had just gone pee pee, I said, "Do you wanna go to the store and get a little potty -- so then you can go pee pee in the potty?" To which he replied with not a second of hesitation, "YESSSSSSSS!!!!!" Insert more visions of potty training glory here.

So we go to Target and he is so excited to pick out his new potty. All the way there he says, "Pee pee, potty." He even proudly announced it to the cashier as she rang it up. We bring it home and as I assemble it he does that running-in-place dance that Homer Simpson does when he's excited (Karen, you know that one, don't you??). "Mama, pee pee potty," he says.

So I get it assembled. We put it in the bathroom. I take off his diaper and I would be lying if I said I didn't at least half expect him to jump and the potty and go pee pee. Alas, that didn't happen. Here's what did happen. He was a little hesitant to sit on it. I could tell he really wanted to, but he was scared. I didn't want to push it. I was just happy he was taking an interest in it. He'd sit on the edge, but as I lifted him to sit him further back, he'd get very nervous. It was that hole that threw him off. This went on for a while and still I didn't push it, I just let him get familiar with it. And familiar he became.

I'd like to end this story by saying that he eventually went pee pee in the potty, but he didn't. Yeah, he's a big talker what with his pee pee in the potty. In fact, since I bought the potty, he has not once even announced that he's gone pee pee or poopies. He still does seem a little interested in the fact that he now has his very own potty, but he's not quite sure what to do with it.

At least the purchase hasn't been all for naught.

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