Friday, October 19, 2007

mom vs. little man

Yesterday was a bad day in the land of little boy and mama. UsuallyTuesdays and Thursdays when we spend the whole day together are good ones. But not yesterday. Yesterday kicked my ass.

It started out okay. We went to a friend's house where he got to jump on mattresses and play with fellow little people. But he was being unusually contradictory. I figured he was tired. Or hungry. Yeah, that's it. Good thing it was almost time to go home and make lunch. And naptime!

So we got home and started the lunch making. He wanted pasta. No, he didn't want pasta. He was ready to sit down at the table. No, he wasn't ready to sit down at the table. So finally Mama just started eating lunch without him. NONONONONONONO!!!!!! I WANTTOEATIWANTTOEAT!!!!!!!! Then, guess who didn't want to eat. Then guess who tried to climb up into his booster chair but his foot got stuck and he couldn't move or he'd fall. He moved his foot and almost fell. AHHHHHHHHH! Crying ensues.

After managing to get him to eat a few bites of his lunch, we go upstairs. Ahhh, naptime. Or was it? Turns out yesterday there wasn't going to be a nap. I told him to play quietly then. Unfortunately, it's impossible to play quietly when MAMAMAMAMA!!! MY TRAIN TRACK IS FALLING APART -- HELP ME!!! He cried. Then I cried.

We normally don't wath a lot of TV. Yesterday afternoon we did. Thank you, TV. I love you.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to 3, or as Isabelle called it stree....

amy said...

Membership fee: sanity.