Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a story about stories

Once upon a time there was a little boy who didn't like to go to bed. So the Mama and Papa thought, "Hey, let's let him listen to stories while he's falling asleep." So the Papa went to iTunes and downloaded several happy stories that would lull him into a peaceful slumber.

Oh, how the little boy enjoyed the stories -- Tiki, Tiki, Tembo, Frog and Toad, Winnie the Pooh, Dr. Seuess -- they became his dearest friends. Each night he would start them up himself using a remote control. And each night he would slowly drift off to sleep as the stories progressed.

Then one night something bad happened. Something very bad. Instead of pushing play on the CD remote control, the little boy (or the Mama) pushed "Repeat". About 45 minutes later, after leaving his room, the Mama heard frantic crying. She raced up to the little boy's room to see what was the matter and this is what she heard:

"Make it stop!...It keeps playing Tiki, Tiki, Tembo!"

The Mama realized what had happened : The little boy had heard Tiki, Tiki, Tembo over and over again. Either that or he drifted off to sleep to Tiki, Tiki, Tembo and then woke up later to hear it still playing. Clearly very traumatic.

That was a good few months ago and to this day the little boy still does not want to hear any stories when he goes to bed. Nor does he want to hear them before his nap. And don't even try to suggest music.

The End.

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