Monday, March 31, 2008

thanks, walt. (jerk.)

Friday night Ed went out with a friend and Elian and I had movie night. We dimmed the lights, cuddled up under a big blanket with a piece of banana cream pie and watched 101 Dalmatians. He was super cuddly and super kissy. And it was super awesome.

Except for that part where Cruella Daville was smoking the long cigarette.
"What's that Mama?"
(Not wanting to make a big deal about it since I knew if I did, there would be no stopping him) "It's a cigarette."
"What is she doing?"
"She's smoking it. And that's very, very bad for you. She shouldn't be doing it." (Okay, maybe that was making a big deal about it, but I had to say something.)
"Maybe I can have a cigarette when I get older."
"No. You can't. Cigarettes are very bad for you. They're yucky. Mama and Papa don't smoke."
"Cruella Daville is smoking."
"That's because this movie was made a very long time ago. Before they knew that smoking was bad for you."

Fast forward to Sunday. We're playing baseball and out of the blue, he shouts, "CIGARETTE BUTT!" (Apparently he and Papa had found one outside.) Then this, "It's a cigarette...and it has a BUTT!!!! Hahahahahahaha!"

Forget the fact that Cruella Daville wanted to make furs out of Dalmatian puppies. She's trying to teach my baby to smoke!

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