Thursday, May 29, 2008

america's next top model (or not)

Today little e made his modeling debut for a zoo campaign Papa's working on. I have mixed feelings about the whole child modeling thing. But it sounded like it could be fun and I was very curious to see if the little man would actually cooperate. Besides, I figured one time would be pretty harmless.

We arrived at the photo studio and he was whisked away into the makeup room. Let's just try to see them cover up that big scab/goose egg he got over the weekend, I thought. The shoot itself was pretty humorous. I held on to him and he was supposed to look straight into the camera. Only problem was, every time the flash went off, he would blink. So they got lots and lots of photos of half-closed eyes.

He was a good sport. And I figured, as long as he was having fun, it was okay. But he got tired of it awfully fast (coincidentally it was about the time he saw the large bowl of M&Ms on a nearby table) so we called it quits and didn't resort to using toothpicks to pry his eyes open. Luckily there was a very cute backup kid who DIDN'T blink every time the flash went off. So much for early retirement.

I'll post any decent pictures that come out of it once Ed gets them back. And of course, if they're able to use his mug the campaign, I'll post that too.

Now on to the pageant circuit!

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