Wednesday, May 28, 2008

if you can look at these pictures and not feel all warm inside, then well, you simply have no soul

Today the little man went on his first field trip -- to a farm -- and I got to go too. He was very excited to ride the school bus. On the ride back, he didn't even want to sit with me, but instead chose to sit next to a little boy and girl clear out of mama's view. I didn't cry. Much. Not that I'm going to do this, but I can almost see why some people keep having more and more kids. When they get to be a certain age, you start to realize that they're not going to be small for very long and you can't imagine life without a little person.


bon bon said...

oh-oh, someone's getting incoming messages from her uterus...

amy said...

yeah, right now those incoming messages involve a lot of pesky cramping.