Wednesday, July 23, 2008


We spent this past weekend in Janesville. I should call it Gainsville because Ed's parents are big dessert people and our arrival is usually met with an array of sweet delights. This weekend, they demonstrated much restraint having only made chocolate chip cookies and icebox cake. I opted to raid the freezer for my new favorite treat -- Edy's frozen yogurt blends (thanks to Ed's mom), specifically Chocolate Fudge Brownie which sadly our Rainbow doesn't carry. Stupid Rainbow. Maybe I'll have to import it from Wisconsin.

It was a great weekend. On Saturday we attended a wedding at the home of some of Ed's old friends. The friends are not old. They're young. And cool. And the wedding they threw for their son was a lot of fun. Awesome Mexican food. To-die-for cupcakes from this talented lady. (If you know Oprah, let her in on these babies -- they're an Oprah "Favorite Thing" waiting to happen. You heard it here first.) The little man stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's got a lot of quality time playing with his cousins (all boys). I sort of regretted not bringing him along after seeing the bouncy castle complete with basketball hoops. After a few margaritas, Ed and I bounced around in it for a while. I haven't laughed that long in a long time. If you're ever in a bad mood, get yourself in a bouncy castle -- oh, and talk about this a lot with one of your hosts.

Sunday we hung out by the pool and had our annual visit with Ed's childhood friend Tommy and his family who now live in Texas but manage to make it back to Janesville once a year. Elian's cousin Ian recently got a job at Culvers* and was proud to present him with a giant "Holy-Cucamunga" waffle cone he had made especially for him. Talk about cute. The cone was so big we've been breaking off pieces bit by bit and giving it to the little boy in his ice cream. I'd show you a picture of him enjoying it but since Ed started using this crazy photo program, I can't figure out how to access his photos unless he saves his originals and I can download them to iPhoto. You're just going to have to imagine a little boy with a spoon in his hand and a super-big smile on his face.

*Side note: When I asked Ian what he planned to do with all the money he was making at Culvers, he said, "Save $1,000 and put it in a ROTH IRA so I have one million dollars by the time I'm 65" -- If only I was that smart when I was 15.

1 comment:

bon bon said...

we're SOOOO glad you guys could make it down! even if we didn't get to see little e!

i really regret not witnessing the two of you in the bouncy castle! and i was running around with a camera too. damn.