Friday, July 13, 2007

when 1+1 does not equal 2

While assembling ingredients for our lunch creation -- the newest genius idea (or so I though) brought to you by mama.

Elian: I LOVE English Muffins.

Mama: I KNOW you do -- that's why I thought you might like this...

Elian: (Dipping the spoon into the tomato sauce and licking the drippings) I LOVE sauce... mmmmmmmm.

Mama: I KNOW you do. Just wait, it gets better.

Elian: (As mama cuts up teeny tiny pieces of brocolli). Oooooh, brocolli (picks a piece up and swallows whole). Mmmm, carrots... and peas...

Mama: Now let's put the cheese on.

Elian: (Taking a handful of shredded mozerella and shoving into his mouth) I LOVE cheese.

Mama: Okay, now we'll just put them in the oven for a few minutes and they'll be done.


(Flash forward to a few minutes later. The adorable little English muffin pizzas are out of the oven. I've cut one up and it sits on his plate with the exact ingredients as above.)

Elian: (Takes two bites) I don't like it.

The moral of the story? Don't even try to serve him something other than peanut butter and jelly for lunch.

The End

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