Monday, November 21, 2005

how can something smell so disgusting and so awesome at the same time?

Before he was born, we bought little e an Uglidoll named Target. We used to amuse ourselves by imagining that this would become his favorite thing -- the thing that he couldn't sleep without -- his lovey. As it turns out, we think that it has and we are in fact, amused. See, this doll is indeed ugly. It has one eye, fangy teeth, malformed limbs and hairs growing out of its chest -- not the kind of hairs you'd find on an actual hairy chest, mind you, but the kind you find growing out of a mole.

The boy took a shine to Target almost immediately. Maybe it was the fact that we rubbed him all over my body to get my scent on him or perhaps it's that his horn-like ears are conveniently sized approximately to that of a nipple. When he's ready to sleep, Little e simultaneously clutches Target in his arms and rolls over ear-in-mouth and begins to suck. Poor Target's ears have already become quite crusty from this nightly ritual, so I decided to buy another: Target II Redeye. Target II Redeye spends the nights in our bed. Target Originale spends the nights in little e's bed. Then, when he wakes up for his early morning feeding, he gets a little Target time in our bed too.

Now, both Targets have had their fair-share of mouth time. And after a good number of nights in mouth, you can just imagine what their little ears smell like. Not so good. In fact, pretty putrid. Yet, every night, I still find myself pulling Target II close to me, sniffing his ears. And while the smell would probably cause others to wince, I can't imagine a more perfect scent to send me most peacefully and happily off to sleep.

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