Friday, November 18, 2005

pointing out inconsistencies

A while back, it was brought to our attention that it is the job of a mother to point out her child's inconsistencies. "What? You don't like it?? I thought you LOVED taco pie..." "What are you doing wearing red? I thought GREEN was your favorite color?!?!?"

While it can be most annoying for the person whose inconsistencies are being pointed out, it is nonetheless, quite necessary for a mother to do. I know because our little boy has been nothing short of a string of inconsistencies lately. And it is now my job to point them out:

"Why are you crying? You LOVE taking baths!!"

"You used to sleep until 5 a.m. What are you doing waking up at 3 a.m.???"

And just to make matters more fun for the husband, not only do I point out the inconsistencies, I have to FIGURE them out. So far I've developed the following hypotheses regarding his erratic sleep:
1. It's the new cd
2. It's his lack of fresh air (given the crazy turn in weather, he hasn't gotten his normal walks in with the dog)
3. He's a) too hot b) too cold or c) too hungry
4. All of the above
5. None of the above

Guess you could say motherhood has really made me an over-achiever in the OCD department.

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