Wednesday, November 09, 2005

l'air du hope

Last night as the family Hernandez made our way to the polls, there was something familiar in the air. Smell that? What is it? Maybe it's hope.

At about this same time last year, we were hoping to change the scary course of our country -- I don't know, when so many other countries hate you, don't you have to take a step back and ask yourself why? Alas, turns out there was a good number of people out there who were actually okay with our president's first-term performance -- so much okay with it they said to themselves, "Ah, hell, that wasn't so bad, let's give him another four years." Go figure.

This won't be a place for regular political commentary -- there are so many people who can do a better job of that than I ever could. But sometimes I can't stop myself. I'm crazy that way.

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